St Martin de Porres Catholic Primary School

Test Results & Performance

"School performance data should be considered alongside a range of other information about the school, which could include looking at school websites, reading Ofsted reports, and speaking to the school directly. Conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone."  Department for Education


Our results for academic year 2023-2024:

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Progress Reaching a Good Level of Development
Achieving Good Level of Development (GLD) 57%
Average Early Learning Goals Achieved per child 14 (Out of 17 Goals)


Year Reaching Expected Standard
Year 1 82%
Year 2 (Re-sits) 89%

Key Stage 1

Teacher Assessments:

Subject Reaching Expected Standard  Above Expected Standard
Reading 77% 10%
Writing 60% 3%
Mathematics 73% 7%
Science 72% n/a
Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Combined 60% 0%

Key Stage 2



Expected Standard


Expected Standard


Scaled Score

Reading 62% 35% 103.6
Writing 76% 17% n/a
Mathematics 66% 14% 102.3
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 69% 31% 105.4
Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Combined 63% 7% n/a



As no KS2 primary tests or assessments took place in 2020 or 2021 due to Covid-19, no progress measures were created for these cohorts of pupils

Performance Tables

For further information on our school results see our page on the Government’s School and College Performance comparison website: